Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Never to Early for Christmas Gifts!

As the title implies this post is about some great Christmas ideas for the sugar glider and/or sugie lovers in your lives!  These products all come from Pocket Pets because I trust them with making sugar glider-safe products.

This hat is absolutely adorable and I want to get one for my sister!

These bears are super cute and brand new to the Pocket Pets website.  They come in a pack of two, which is perfect because I can give one to Tinki and one to Telly!

The bears even come in four different colors.

Pocket Pets offers a great supply of sugar glider safe toys that sugies will love to climb, swing, and play on.  This particular package of toys is the largest package that they offer and it also comes with a "Cal-C-Yum" vitamin toy so sugies can snack and play at the same time!

The Cal-C-Yum kabob toy.

Lastly, I think that I want to get Tinki and Telly some "Yum-E-Treats" from Pocket Pets.  Yum-E-Treats snack mix is a mixture of dehydrated fruits and other sweets that are completely sugar glider safe.  What makes Yum-E-Treats different from similar foods that you could buy at a supermarket is that the ingredients in Yum-E-Treats are 100% Certified Organic; and do not contain Sulfur and other chemical preservatives which can be harmful to Gliders.  So far my sister and I have only given Tinki and Telly fresh fruit and plain yogurt as treats, but I think that they will appreciate (and devour) this mixture.

Snuggle Buddies

One of my favorite things about Tinki and Telly is their love of snuggling.  Sugar gliders are nocturnal, so when I take Tinki and Telly out of their cage during the day, there is nothing they like better than to curl up in a ball and nap on me.  Since they are so tiny, they have found some very interesting, but snuggly places to curl up in.

For instance in my shirt!
Telly waving for the camera. 

Sugar gliders are marsupials, so they naturally love places that remind them of their mother's pouch. Baby sugar gliders only spend about two and half weeks in utero, so it is essential that they live in their mother's pouch until they are developed enough to make it on their own.  To promote bonding between pet sugar gliders and their owners, Pocket Pets sells pouches that simulate this close relationship, where sugar gliders can take a nap while they pouch hangs around their owner's neck. Tinki and Telly each have their own pouches, but prefer to snuggle in the same pouch.

The Pocket Pet pouches.

Telly in his pouch.

Tinki being camera shy in Telly's pouch.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Set-Up

            Pocket Pets requires all new sugie owners to purchase their "Start-R-Kit" along with their new pet to ensure that their new sugar glider will be properly housed and taken care of.  Therefore, when my sister and I got Telly, we bought the Pocket Pets "Start-R-Kit" along with an extra two year supply of food and vitamins.  At first, I was slightly annoyed that they forced you to buy their specific set-up, but looking back it was a great choice because not only are the products that they sell proven to be safe for sugar gliders, it also meant that Telly had a home as soon as we got him.

The Pocket Pets "Start-R-Kit includes:
  • one-month supply of Glide-R-Chow™ (for 2 animals)
  • one-month supply of Glide-A-Mins™  (for 2 animals)
  • 4oz., “Non-Tip” Food Bowl
  • 4oz. Water Dispenser with Cage Hanger
  • GliderSafe™, ATR (Auto-Temperature-Regulated) Heat Rock
The Pocket Pets Start-R-Kit

            As I mentioned before, my sister and I bought an additional two year supply of food and vitamins when we got Telly.  While it was convenient to buy the extra food and vitamins on the spot, it was not necessary because the Pocket Pets website sells the two year packaged supply, making it easy to restock at anytime (just make sure to remember to calculate shipping time if you need the food right away).

Two-year supply of food and vitamins.

            The Pocket Pets website is also great if you are interested in buying toys and additional treats for your sugar gliders.  I have not bought any toys from their website, but they have a great selection.  I have bought toys and cage accessories from Pet Smart and Wal-Mart.  One of my favorite cage accessories that I have gotten Tinki and Telly is a little hammock that is intended for ferrets, but works for sugar gliders as well.  They use the hammock to nap on from time to time, but they prefer to curl up in a sheet on the bottom of their cage near their heat rock.

This is similar to the hammock that
I got for Tinki and Telly.